Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Abundant Grace Outreach, Inc., October 2021

When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock 

Psalm 61:2 When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Dear Friends, I know that you know is true, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with everyday life things. Trying hard for that raise, running all your errands, getting good grades, and on top of it all making sure you floss everyday.  Imagine how overwhelming life gets when a serious illness or health condition crops up.  

If you find more and more friends and family members in health struggles, I am sharing the sweetest little gift you can give them to comfort their troubled souls.  It's the Prayer Quilt.  I have enclosed two prayer quilts for you to share as an act of kindness for someone you are praying for.

  • All of the supplies for these prayer quilts were donated to me except for a small fee to have the poem printed onto the white material.Here's how it came together.  Last winter, in St. Petersburg, FL, one of my neighbors gave me 65 cross necklaces.  She wanted to be a part of the circle prayer, care, share ministry that I have learned to choose as a lifestyle.  I had no real insight into how I was to use the necklaces so I simply brought them home with me to Alabama in April.  Next, I met with my "girl cousins" in Kentucky in June.  Leah Smith works at Wal-Mart in South Carolina and brought me a box of fat-cut fabric that she was able to get for pennies.  She just felt in her spirit that I might find a use for them.  Then, not by accident I'm sure), I saw the prayer quilt idea in the picture above.  Immediately I knew why I had received these tiny, precious gifts from the two women (one in Florida and one in South Carolina).  I called Charlotte Williams, myJasper, Alabama neighbor, who owns and operates Prayer Cloth Ministries to help create the Prayer Quilt Poem for the tiny quilts.  After getting all the resources together, I discussed the project with Tammie Harbin, my hairdresser, who put me in touch with her friend, Mary Hamby Matthews who leads a sewing group in Double Springs, Alabama.   learned about my prayer shawl ministry and wanted to be a part of blessing someone.  Mary loved the project and took it to who group for completion  Now isn't that just like God to give so many hearts and hands to create a sweet comfort gift for us to give to those in serious need of reassurance that God cares and that people value them enough to pray for them and share His love in this simple way.

I want to thank you for your kindness to continue to support me and this ministry with your love, prayers, practical gifts and financial support.  It has truly been a great encouragement to me as I've tried to find ways to minister to people through this season of COVID.

Because of your financial support we have been able to do these things to bless people:

💘 Contributed funds to help a female missionary assistant meet financial requirement to go to Spain for the next two years to work under the supervision of a full-time missionary.

💔 Advocate for a deceased veteran to obtain her veteran's grave marker because her grave has been unmarked since 2016.

💕 Intercessory Prayer Ministry with Shawls continue to reach people in many states.  Handcrafted and donated shawls are received, prayed over and delivered or shipped to people who are hurting.  

💔 Established a partnership with Administrator in the Jefferson County Detention Center for the purpose of having 20 women in the Work Release Program to become active with the Shawl Ministry.  

💔 Traveled 1,500 miles in Northwest Alabama to teach health & wellness workshops to adults.

💔 Purchased and donated 1,200 take-out plates with dividers and lids to a local church serving weekly hot meals to people who are homebound and.also by drive-thru pick-up.

Again, thank you for giving so generously to our ministry.  We continue to be open to new ways to "Care for People God's Way" and you each have a reward coming when we see Jesus face-to-face in His glorious Kingdom!

Pastor Cynthia - (205) 471-2879; E-Mail:
Make your tax deductible contribution toL  Abudant Grace Outreach, Inc., 177 Patton Road, Jasper, AL  35503