Monday, July 11, 2016

July Area Lighthouse & Ministry Update

New Lighthouse Development this month: 
  • Followed up on Oneonta contacts - no interest developing
  •  Communicated with Area VP Public Relations regarding Huntsville & Shelby County Character References
  • Communicated with proposed officers in Huntsville; plans being made for an August luncheon with them.
  • Interviewed two women who are interested in starting a night Aglow in Hoover, AL 
  • Compiled an Affiliation packet for the Hoover Group  
  • Followed Up with Warrior Aglow Interest Group - two potential leaders have been identified. 
  • Gathering resources for the Women's Conference in Greenville, AL
 Ministry & Resource Development - 

  • Wrote an e-mail newsletter for Area & all of South Region
  • Stimulated "Lift Our Leaders" prayer through SPC's
  • Collaborated with Area Prison Ministry Coordinator re: Local Jail Ministry Guidelines
  • Increased "Calling & Caring" Ministry Outreach to AL Area Lighthouse Presidents
  • Spearheaded and Completed Children's Flip Flop for Haiti Mission Project = 600 pairs of flip flops and $650 to pay shipping and handling

Lighthouse Liaison Update:

  • Counseled with Cullman Aglow President on How to Build a Lighthouse Ministry Team 
  • Communicated with all three team members for Birmingham Day...Hugs!
  • Trained Men of issachar - (1) Setting Up Bank Account, (2) Forms & Reports, and (3) Accessing Aglow Leader's Resources on web site.
  • Established a Benevolence Fund for Jasper Aglow 
  • Encouraged participation in the 30 Days of Prayer for Muslim People.
  • Researched & Ordered Aglow Custom Banners 

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