Sunday, December 27, 2015

Loving Our Communities to Christ

January 2016
Jasper Aglow Lighthouse News


 Jimmy Hayes

Dear Jasper Aglow Lighthouse Family, 

In November, 2015, I had the privilege of attending the Aglow International Global Conference in Indianapolis, IN.  There is nothing quite like being in Corporate worship with people from 100 different nations of the world.  This experience truly did bring the Kingdom of God, His plans and purposes in focus for me. 

God is moving by His Spirit to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God.  We of Jasper Aglow want to be filled with the Spirit and to see Our Father's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.  This year will be the year that God's Redeeming Love will reach hearts and change lives of those we pray for, care for and share the His love with.  God has so blessed us.  We are a people who Live by the Spirit and Walk in the Spirit.  

With that in mind, let's get together and kick-off 2016 with joyful praise, thanksgiving and take hold of the Word of God for personal and community transformation so that we may prosper in all that we put our hearts and hands to this next year!

In Christ & His Great Love, 
Cynthia Patton, President 
Jasper AL Aglow Community Lighthouse 

(205) 471-2879

Jasper Aglow Outreach Meeting 
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 
5:00 PM - Refreshments
6:00 PM - Meeting Begins 

A Love Offering Will be Taken for Jasper Aglow Lighthouse Ministry 

You're Invited to Join Our 
Women's Bible Study 
Every Tuesday 
3:00-5:00 PM 
Grace Ministries, Inc. 
5100 Curry Hwy., Suite 111
Jasper, AL  35503

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