Monday, June 20, 2016

10 Reasons Why You Should Serve on an Aglow Lighthouse Team

10.  It's alot of fun!

9.    It will spark your creativity!

8.    You will meet new people.

7.    The Holy Spirit really has given you a spiritual gift and He wants you to use it!

6.    You will no longer "do life alone."

5.    There is always good, free food!

4.    You were born for "such a time as this!"

3.   You will help others realize "that they belong!"

2.   Seeing God's will done on earth as in heaven will release His joy in your soul!

1.   You will help make your community a better place to live.

For more information on how you can become active in the Jasper Aglow Lighthouse send me a private message on Facebook or put your contact information in the comment section below this post. 

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