Sunday, January 21, 2018

"If We Partner With God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE."

Since the "start up" of the Jasper Aglow Lighthouse, our mission has been about helping people grow in faith and in relationship with God and Others.  Our mission has been carried out through weekly Bible Studies, prayer ministry, fellowship, Random Acts of Kindness and frequently hearing life-changing testimonies by Special Speakers/Guests. GROWING OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS have been Kingdom Keys God has used to transform our lives and show us Who We Are In Christ.  However, personal spiritual growth and "good works" are not enough.

Jesus (Yeshua Our Messiah) has called us out of the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light and He has planned for us to be His disciples/followers...Our purpose is to fulfill His commandment to carry out the Great Commission.  He said, "Come Follow Me and I will make YOU fishers of men"  and to "(YOU) Go Make Disciples..." (Gospels).  The time has come for us to be on Mission to intentionally SHARE our faith.  If  Evangelism scares you...don't let it!  Here are some Prayer Evangelism Tips you will need to practice as a Lifestyle before you step out to share your faith.  Remember this:

"If your gospel hasn't touched others, it hasn't touched you."  (Curry Blake) 

Beginning today, humbly accept the call to Evangelism/The Great Commission from Jesus/Yeshua Our Messiah.  Tell Him that you are ready to be fully obedient to His call and ask Him to fill you afresh with the Holy Spirit that produces boldness of faith.  Once you are fully surrendered to Him for His work, you might begin to incorporate these spiritual activities into your lifestyle. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach and train you to be a "fisher of men"...and Jesus (Yeshua) said, "...lo I am with you always; even unto the end."

1. Make an "Unsaved People" Prayer List:    Pray and ask the Lord to make a list of three lost people who live or work near you.

2.  Commit to Pray Regularly for the Lost on Your List:  Select a day of the week/month that you will spend time praying for these Lost People.

  • Ask God to fill your heart with His love for the Lost.  
  • Ask God to let you have a growing concern for the eternal consequences---Hell, which the Lost person will face without knowing Jesus (Yeshua Our Messiah) as their Saviour and Lord.
INTERCESSORY PRAYER FREE RESOURCE from Aglow, Eight Keys to Intercession, can be obtained on the website: see Free Resources for this 12 page document.  

Jesus (Yeshua) promised His followers that He would be with them in their ministry.  That promise is just as real for you and me today.  He has called us, commissioned us and is sending us forward to do the work of the ministry.  

Scripture tells us that "...the harvest truly is plenteous; but the laborers are few.  Pray ye therefore (ASK) the Lord of the Harvest (Yeshua/Jesus) send forth laborers into His harvest..." (Luke 10:2)

"If We Partner With God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" 

Cynthia Patton, President 
Jasper Aglow Lighthouse 

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