Friday, December 14, 2018

Chaplain Cynthia's Christmas Letter

Dear Friends of Grace Ministries, Inc., 

With Christmas just a few days away, I extend my very best wishes to you and your family as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I thank you from my heart for the outpouring of love you have shown me, our Board of Directors, Volunteers and to our community throughout this past year, culminating in the restoration of the free clothes ministry shop after the flooding in the Curry Mini-Mall and the opening of our new Chaplain Ministry Office located in Suite 116 of the mini-mall.

It overwhelmed me to see us pull together at Grace Ministries, Inc., as one body, to give away literally hundreds of pieces of free clothes.  In addition, we gave more than 100 prayer clothes/shawls, food and personal care kits to those struggling to provide for their families.  And what blesses me most is how we gave emotional and spiritual support to mnay who are hurting and facing challenges.  Lives were touched and relationships strengthened. 

Your spirit of generosity to this ministry demonstrates the deep understanding of the mission God has called each of us to do:  to Glorify God, transform lives and impact the world.  

I ask for your prayers as we seek to reach more people in 2019.  As more opportunity comes our way, your continued gifts of time, talent and finances will help us to fulfill our mission. As always, tax receipts are available for your giving.  If you did not receive a tax receipt for previous giving during the year, please let me know and one will be delivered to you.  

May you enjoy peace & special memories with family and friends this Christmas Season--

Chaplain Cynthia Patton
Grace Ministries, Inc.
5100 Curry Hwy., Suite 110-111 & 116
Jasper, AL  35503

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