Sunday, June 26, 2016

A New Time of Release is Upon You!

Last Tuesday, at our Neighborhood Lighthouse Meeting, we discussed the topic, "hope deferred," from the study we are doing in a book by Dutch Sheets.  Dutch calls "hope deferred" the common cold of the soul, and says that everyone suffers from it at one time or another.  No one is totally immune to it. 
From our understanding of spiritual strongholds, we realize that hopelessness has it's roots in our flesh nature.  We know that giving into those feelings leads in a downward spiral emotionally, socially and spiritually. The most devastating of circumstances can develop in our lives because of it, including sickness and disease---hope deferred makes the heart sick Proverbs 13:12a.  Hope deferred can open a door for the spirit of infirmity to work in our lives too. It is of the utmost importance that Christians be able to identify, breakthrough and maintain spiritual victory over this common problem.  Jesus Paid It All so that we could be free.  He bought our freedom at a great price on the cross.  It is up to us to maintain the victory from the things He (Jesus) redeemed us from...the destruction of hope deferred is something He redeemed us from---I declare Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!  (John 8:36) 
As a group we made a commitment to God not to allow "hope deferred" to rule our lives.  We prayed together for the symptoms of this malaise to be revealed in our personal lives and we asked God to grant us freedom and to empower us for everyday victory in this area.  
Strengthened by the Holy Spirit we took a challenge to begin to make an A-Z Gratitude List...a way to “Count Our Blessings”.  That's right, in the midst of our trials and temptations and stresses of everyday life, we decided to turn our attention toward expressing gratitude.  Gratitude is so simple to the point of stupid—and powerful to the point of life-altering.  Some have described gratitude as, "that very specific feeling of thankfulness in your heart, which allows you to see and absorb all you have, forgetting for a moment all you may lack It connects your brain with your heart, and gives you the ground to be more giving, effective, loving human." 
(Valerie Reiss is Beliefnet's Holistic Living Editor. Read more at  
This week, I invite you to  join us in making an A-Z Gratitude List.   This is an exercise using the 26 Letters of the alphabet to journal the things you are grateful/thankful for.  Warning!  It is not en easy list to make, because we are always thinking of what we don't have!  But, there is a reward for doing it and more rewarding if kept up daily or frequently as the need may be.  You will find that being grateful for what we've already received allows generosity to flow. Expressing gratitude (verbally or in writing) also makes us more receptive—as in, the more you love what you have, the more you get what you want
Here is my A-Z Gratitude List with descriptions!
A- Apples - Fuji
B - Blankets - summer ones
C - Cars - especially my own
D - Dancing - by myself to Oldies
E- Early Rising Schedule 
F- Food
G -God's Grace (for salvation and keeping power)
H - Health/Hands/Hair 
I - Imagination (I need more of this)
J - Jobs (for me and others)
K - Knees (especially my good one!)
L - Letting Go! and Loyalty 
M - Medical provisions 
N - Nurturing Ministries
O - Oatmeal 
P - People/Passion/Purpose 
Q- Quietness 
R - Reading 
S - Stillness/Solitude/Scarves/Shawls
T - Trees (especially a Magnolia; because they are most like me)
U - Under garments that fit properly 
V - Voices
W - Water 
X - Xerox Machines!
Y - Yakking with Robert (my DH) each day 
Z -Zzz's - power naps of about 10-15 minutes sometime in the day. 

 Please Join Us!
Every Tuesday @ 4:00 PM 
at LifeSprings Assembly of God 
Jasper, AL  35503

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Word Fitly Spoken

Proverbs 25:11-13 word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear. Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters.

Yesterday, I received words fitly spoken from three of my friends. These words were given to me at various intervals throughout my day. They were delivered to me with such sweetness.  I count them as "apples of gold in a setting of silver."   These words have captivated me and have given my mind such beautiful thoughts! I am taking time to ponder each meditate... I want to live in the moment with each word!  In fact, I believe these words are going to be strongholds for my life from now on.  They were sent to me for my good... teaching, admonishing, leading me, and refreshing my soul.

My friends were agents of the answers to my prayers.  Their words touched the deepest places in my heart. I felt God's love with each word. Truly God has given me faithful friends who can speak into my life with permission.  These friends have won my  heart, gained my trust and I value them so very much! Yesterday, my relationship with God and others was restored to a place I thought was lost to me forever!  I give God the glory for being able to receive from my friends...His message of love!   

Thank you, dear friends; you have strengthened me!

Here are the words I received and I pray they fall on the good soil in your  heart and that you too benefit by them.

"Don't Stop praying about it!"
"Remember, God is your source, not people."
"Stop procrastinating; just do it!"

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Look What the Lord Has Done in June!

The Lord has done great things for us in the month of June.  I've been teaching the Wednesday Night Sanctuary Class at LifeSprings Assembly of God.  We have been discovering our Spiritual Gifts identified in Romans 12.  Since administering the Spiritual Gifts Assessment, several people have talked to the pastor to find out how they can use their spiritual gifts in new ways to bless the church and the community.

The Lord has poured out His love and blessings through our  Tuesday Jasper Aglow Women's Group this month. They have been ministering to widows, orphans, the poor and the strangers in our community by gathering food, household cleaning supplies and giving out Blessing Baskets.  They have also been active in global missions by leading a collection of 550 children's flip flops for Haiti Mission.

A Love Offering in the amount of $60 was sent to Neva Welsh,  AL Aglow Prison Ministry Coordinator.   Neva used the money to purchase personal care supplies for the women in Tutwiler Prison.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stop Chasing Rabbits

As I face the work day and review the responsibilities and opportunities ahead of me, I'm blessed. But I am also experiencing an inward struggle.  I've taken the time to read and ponder Scripture.  This is absolutely the only thing I've done right since I got up.  I have identified my feelings---I'm feeling unhappy/disappointed--I know too why I'm feeling unhappiness and disappointment.   I started experiencing three days ago, right after someone made a critical comment to me that pointed out a weakness and failure in my leadership. It didn't help matters that it was a person who is important to my success in ministry.

I'm amazed at the power of words to bring discouragement!  

James 3:11 asks this question,  Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water?  

I'm amazed too at how long I have allowed this criticism to clothe me in a "spirit of heaviness"---stirring up my flesh toward self-pity, feelings of rejection, and simply put immaturity!

I'm amazed at the relentlessness of "familiar spirits" to attack me and send me down a "rabbit trail."  Driving me to think I must look for a diversion--something comfort my wounded spirit.  My most frequent diversion is eating!  I turn to food for comfort...binge eating and it doesn't even have to be good food!

 Now to "stop chasing rabbits,"  I'm going to deal with inner turmoil by walking in the spirit and not in the flesh!  I'm going to practice the spiritual discipline to "Be Still and Know that He is God" (Psalm 46:10).  It is in  the practice  of devotion to God that I will find strength for today.  I must go seek His face, receive His healing for my brokenness, Forgive and Surrender All. 

Blaise Pascal (a 17th Century theologian, philosopher and scientist) wrote, "the sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quiet in his own room."  I long for this experience today.  I think it will be my most important work.

Cynthia Patton
Strengthen Me Ministries

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Power of Hope

Proverbs 13:12 (MSG)  Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around. 

The overwhelming sorrows, burdens and hardships we face each day tries to rob us of joy by loading us down with a spirit of heaviness. He attempts to move in when we are grieving the loss of someone or something important to us (a loved one, a relationship, a job, a pet, etc.)  These constant attacks are meant to leave us in a perpetual state of grief. 
As a Believer in Christ Jesus Our Lord, we are His agents...His Kingdom Bringers--sent forth in His power and authority to bring deliverance and breakthrough to our family and friends.  Therefore; it is of the utmost importance that we know our God and His power to deliver us and keep us from the Spirit of Heaviness. According to Matthew 181:8 we (the Believer in Christ Jesus the Lord), can bind the Spirit of Heaviness over ourselves and others.  We can use the Keys to the Kingdom of God and loose (release) the Garment of Praise & the Oil of Joy over ourselves and our loved one!  (John 15:26; Isaiah 61:3). 

Let me be very clear this morning, 
  • we must release our griefs and sorrows to the Lord on a daily or regular basis.  
  • We must not refuse to take comfort from the Holy Spirit (the Comforter) for ourselves. 
  •  We must not continue to carry the Spirit of Heaviness upon us.  If we do, we are not going to be very helpful to people around us!  Nehemiah 8:10b says, "...the joy of the Lord is our strength!"  To be a true Kingdom Bringer, we walk in the joy of the Lord and maintain our spiritual strength!
 I've come to expose the works of devil and to dispel the darkness!  I'm here to bring a good word of breakthrough to you today!  Be a Kingdom Bringer  use the Keys to the Kingdom to shake yourself loose from the Spirit of Heaviness---Receive ye the Comfort of the Holy Spirit...don't resist the Holy Spirit at work in you!  Put on the Garment of Praise that will lift off the Spirit of Heaviness and ask the Lord for a fresh filling of the Oil of the Joy and Gladness! 

Make these bold declarations right now, saying, In the Name of Jesus,  I take authority over the Spirit of Heaviness and all it's manifestations in my life (excessive mourning, sorrow, grief, self-pity, rejection, sleep disturbances, a broken heart, despair, hopelessness, depression, all heaviness to body, soul and spirit, inner hurts and a broken spirit).    I denounce all these works that are rooted in the flesh and I yield my members to the workings of the Holy Spirit and I do now bear the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.)...Matthew 7:20 Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. ---

Right now, I take my liberty as a Kingdom Bringer and I walk in the Power of Hope that maketh not ashamed and I am going forth in power and victory to deliver all them that are bound through the working of His mighty power in Christ Jesus that is in me!  Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world! (1 John 4:4)


You're Invited to Join 
Aglow Women's Lighthouse Meetings 
Every Tuesday 
3:30 p.m. - Refreshments 
4:00 p.m. - Meeting 
LifeSprings Church 
2686 Hwy 195 N
Jasper, AL 
Contact: Cynthia Patton (205) 471-2879



Monday, June 20, 2016

10 Reasons Why You Should Serve on an Aglow Lighthouse Team

10.  It's alot of fun!

9.    It will spark your creativity!

8.    You will meet new people.

7.    The Holy Spirit really has given you a spiritual gift and He wants you to use it!

6.    You will no longer "do life alone."

5.    There is always good, free food!

4.    You were born for "such a time as this!"

3.   You will help others realize "that they belong!"

2.   Seeing God's will done on earth as in heaven will release His joy in your soul!

1.   You will help make your community a better place to live.

For more information on how you can become active in the Jasper Aglow Lighthouse send me a private message on Facebook or put your contact information in the comment section below this post.