Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stop Chasing Rabbits

As I face the work day and review the responsibilities and opportunities ahead of me, I'm blessed. But I am also experiencing an inward struggle.  I've taken the time to read and ponder Scripture.  This is absolutely the only thing I've done right since I got up.  I have identified my feelings---I'm feeling unhappy/disappointed--I know too why I'm feeling unhappiness and disappointment.   I started experiencing three days ago, right after someone made a critical comment to me that pointed out a weakness and failure in my leadership. It didn't help matters that it was a person who is important to my success in ministry.

I'm amazed at the power of words to bring discouragement!  

James 3:11 asks this question,  Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water?  

I'm amazed too at how long I have allowed this criticism to clothe me in a "spirit of heaviness"---stirring up my flesh toward self-pity, feelings of rejection, and simply put immaturity!

I'm amazed at the relentlessness of "familiar spirits" to attack me and send me down a "rabbit trail."  Driving me to think I must look for a diversion--something comfort my wounded spirit.  My most frequent diversion is eating!  I turn to food for comfort...binge eating and it doesn't even have to be good food!

 Now to "stop chasing rabbits,"  I'm going to deal with inner turmoil by walking in the spirit and not in the flesh!  I'm going to practice the spiritual discipline to "Be Still and Know that He is God" (Psalm 46:10).  It is in  the practice  of devotion to God that I will find strength for today.  I must go seek His face, receive His healing for my brokenness, Forgive and Surrender All. 

Blaise Pascal (a 17th Century theologian, philosopher and scientist) wrote, "the sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quiet in his own room."  I long for this experience today.  I think it will be my most important work.

Cynthia Patton
Strengthen Me Ministries

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