Thursday, June 23, 2016

Look What the Lord Has Done in June!

The Lord has done great things for us in the month of June.  I've been teaching the Wednesday Night Sanctuary Class at LifeSprings Assembly of God.  We have been discovering our Spiritual Gifts identified in Romans 12.  Since administering the Spiritual Gifts Assessment, several people have talked to the pastor to find out how they can use their spiritual gifts in new ways to bless the church and the community.

The Lord has poured out His love and blessings through our  Tuesday Jasper Aglow Women's Group this month. They have been ministering to widows, orphans, the poor and the strangers in our community by gathering food, household cleaning supplies and giving out Blessing Baskets.  They have also been active in global missions by leading a collection of 550 children's flip flops for Haiti Mission.

A Love Offering in the amount of $60 was sent to Neva Welsh,  AL Aglow Prison Ministry Coordinator.   Neva used the money to purchase personal care supplies for the women in Tutwiler Prison.

"Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" is the theme for July....

Look Who's Talking!

Deidre Wilson (below), Will be sharing her changed-life testimony at the Upcoming Jasper Aglow Outreach Meeting, Tuesday, July 19th at 4 p.m. at LifeSprings Church.  Deidre has been delivered, by the power of God and His wonderful grace, from a lifestyle of addictions which included alcohol, meth, heroine, etc.  She has a passion to see Walker County be a "Recovery County"  where people are saved, healed and delivered by the power of God from the stronghold of Addictions.  Deidre currently works as a leader inn area-wide, faith-based 12-Step Recovery Program.  Deidre is an active member of River of Living Waters Methodist Church in Jasper, AL. She is single and has a son.

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